
Apply To AmSchool

Detail About How To Apply

If you like studying for an International Accredited Diploma in a school that values and amplify your talents and skills, in an open-minded learning environment, you’re choosing the right place.

We do not use special algorithms to select our students. We look at every single applicant’s academic and personal documentation to select students who share our vision and come from a wide range of backgrounds.

If you wish to study at AmSchool please contact us and participate in one of our AmSchool-KEO Events.

2024 - 2025 Academic Year


Every year, 150 students study at AmSchool.

Book a place in AmSchool

Education Services

Taking courses online is like setting off on a journey. While hopefully you already have many of the resources, skills, and knowledge for success, sometimes it’s nice to know that there is someone to help you navigate. Fortunately, Student Support Services staff are here!

International Hubs

In our featured student clubs, National Honor Society and Math Club, international students collaborate with their peers in staff-guided online settings. Students complete projects that offer opportunities to socially engage, grow, and practice new skills.

Academic Resources

Each course points students to research-based materials. Students might also find helpful The Virtual School Library. Students preparing for college/university transition should consider preparation and testing that contributes to admission decisions.

Tech Requirements

Parents/guardians who enroll students in AmSchool courses are responsible for providing the students with access to a laptop/PC, software, and Internet connectivity required for course completion. In a 21st century school technology is a must, rather than a tool for entertainment.

The Application Process


Fill the Contact Form

The contact form will provide us with basic information about you and is necessary for us to start the application process.


Receive our Full Presentation

The role of our Presentation is to give you more specific information on school foundations, differences from the classical education system and your route through AmSchool.


Participate in a AmSchool-KEO Event

The role of AmSchool events is to meet and learn about each other so as to make a more informed decision to study in an international environment.


Decision to Study at AmSchool

Making a decision as such comes after consultations with your family, we are here for you when and if you are prepared to take the step.


Prepare the Registration File

You`ll need to fill in an Application Form with dataabout you and your parents. We might ask for other documents to validate the Registration in some cases.


Start the School

We will support you in taking the first steps at AmSchool: Introductory Course, Tech Requirements, meet your classmates, meet the teaching staff, deciding on your courses etc.

Ce trebuie să știi?

The Application Form is required for all students applying to any of the AmSchool programs (Live / Online / Dual Diploma). You’ll be able to choose the courses and programs that you are interested in.

You will need:

  • Placement Test Report.
  • Contact information of the counsellor who will complete your application school report and submit your official high school transcript to AmSchool.
  • Contact information of one or maximum two teachers who will complete the Teacher Evaluation form.
  • Application fee receipt.

When To Apply?

Because AmSchool does not operate on the basis of the standard academic year, the analysis of enrollment files is done continuously during a calendar year. As a result, after admission, our students can start school at any time they wish. However, because most ONSITE applications arrive in 2 separate periods, the application deadlines are set according to the schedule below.

All applications that exceed the capacity of our school are placed on the waiting list with your consent. Thank you for understanding.

  Application Deadline Start School
Spring Semester February 28 March
Fall Semester August 31 (places limitations) September

One of our consultants will accompany you step by step until the registration is completed.

Suntem în perioada de înscrieri pentru anul școlar 2024-2025. Înscrierile se fac în limita locurilor disponibile.

Vă rugăm să completați formularul de contact sau să ne dați un telefon la 0771.083.656 (Cristina Manoliu - Admissions Coordinator).

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