If you like studying for an International Accredited Diploma in a school that values and amplify your talents and skills, in an open-minded learning environment, you’re choosing the right place.
We do not use special algorithms to select our students. We look at every single applicant’s academic and personal documentation to select students who share our vision and come from a wide range of backgrounds.
If you wish to study at AmSchool please contact us and participate in one of our AmSchool-KEO Events.
The Application Form is required for all students applying to any of the AmSchool programs (Live / Online / Dual Diploma). You’ll be able to choose the courses and programs that you are interested in.
You will need:
Because AmSchool does not operate on the basis of the standard academic year, the analysis of enrollment files is done continuously during a calendar year. As a result, after admission, our students can start school at any time they wish. However, because most ONSITE applications arrive in 2 separate periods, the application deadlines are set according to the schedule below.
All applications that exceed the capacity of our school are placed on the waiting list with your consent. Thank you for understanding.
Application Deadline | Start School | |
Spring Semester | February 28 | March |
Fall Semester | August 31 (places limitations) | September |
One of our consultants will accompany you step by step until the registration is completed.
Suntem în perioada de înscrieri pentru anul școlar 2024-2025. Înscrierile se fac în limita locurilor disponibile.
Vă rugăm să completați formularul de contact sau să ne dați un telefon la 0771.083.656 (Cristina Manoliu - Admissions Coordinator).