If you are a 6 to 9 grade pupil who wants to study in a completely different school, in which you have the freedom to think critically and make your own informed decisions, feel challenged and where you have a real open and equal relationship with your teachers, tutors, trainers, coaches or mentors, if your main goal is to develop your mind, emotional intelligence, your spirit and body so as to better prepare for high school, then AmSchool is the best option for you.
At AmSchool Middle School you will enjoy your learning journey. Your Standard Courses are English, Arts, Maths, Science and Social Studies. You`ll also learn Romanian, History and Geography, but in a very interactive and attractive way. In addition to these, you`ll learn about Leadership and Entrepreunership. Come to one of our AmSchool Events to find more about your study opportunities.
At AmSchool you will enter High School without travelling to the US, from the comfort of your home.
Study just like any other international student, focusing on critical thinking, being pragmatic and connected with real life.
An experienced team of teachers, tutors, trainers, coaches and mentors at your disposal guides you to your only goal, success.
AmSchool includes Success Academy courses that develop children and teenagers’ real life skills and abilities for their daily success ( setting goals, making decisions, problem solving, critical thinking, emotional intelligence, public speaking, debate, argumentation, negotiation, presentation skills, team leadership, projects, entrepreneurship etc.)
Your learning is assisted by certified Romanian tutors, whose support you can get as often as you need. Furthermore, tutors will explain concepts, provide you with learning experiences and counsel you about your academic progress, high school admission and so on.
The way the school is structured will keep you on track with all the learning demands, so the rest of time is yours.
We understand that your development means to challenge you instead of forcing you to learn. You will be in a stress-free environment where your teachers will be your elder friends.
After you are accepted at Amschool, you`ll follow a school program in English that will ensure your access to international universities.
These years are designed for your academic and personal development , general knowledge and language acquisition. We will continually assess you and you can measure your own progress from transcripts, scores and grades. The main goal is to prepare you for high school.
Fill in the contact form and one of our consultants will invite you and your parents to one of our Know-Each-Other Events. You`ll find out all the information you need. We will be glad to meet you!
The Middle School program offers students an individualized school experience. This course plan is designed to prepare students for meeting High School entrance requirements.
High School Acceptance
Our Middle School graduates have the clear advantage of being accepted at AmSchool High School.
Suntem în perioada de înscrieri pentru anul școlar 2024-2025. Înscrierile se fac în limita locurilor disponibile.
Vă rugăm să completați formularul de contact sau să ne dați un telefon la 0771.083.656 (Cristina Manoliu - Admissions Coordinator).