Know Us Better


Our Philosophy

Curiosity is a specific feature in every child and particular interests and proclivities makes learning both self-directed and self-generated. Learners can be compelled to learn useless things, but that will not develop their natural talents. Instead, learners can choose what they want to study.

We personalise education since each child has a specific learning style and this means that learning is a different experience for each case, even if they are in the same class (the principle of differentiation).

Staff members will get to know your child in depth and will continually assess both their progress and performance.

Like adults, children tend to stay in their ”comfort zone”, that’s why they need to be challenged at any given moment. This is how we stimulate their determination and motivation, enhancing their life-essential skills.

AmSchool Values

We are a genuine child-centred school with classes of maximum 12 learners and a contemporary view that fosters trust, respect and self-directed learning. Our core values are:

  1. Trust. We trust our students to make decisions about their own education and about the daily learning program.
  2. Choice. If students learn how to think, they can sensibly choose what is suitable for them.
  3. Equality. Our students are committed to teaming up with their teachers/tutors/ coaches/ mentors in a unique and wonderful place to study, where they work,  create and play. The basis of our equality and equity concept is a result of equal opportunities and respect to each and every child regardless.
  4. Personal. Our students’ education is personalised taking into account their specific interests, proclivities and talents.

Key Of Success

Since people aren`t born responsible, acquiring this feature is a key attitude on the road to success. To build a responsible character we have to channel properly all the educational factors. Children learn to undertake their learning progressively and as a consequence they become autonomous and responsible, building new life skills. 

Furthermore, kids learn a lot unintentionally, voluntarily and in big leaps, unlike adults think. However, children only focus on what`s interesting for them and on their own instant gratification. As a result, we must choose attractive curricula delivered by an inspiring team of teachers, tutors, trainers, coaches and mentors.

In order to be successful and accepted at the universities they desire, students need to follow a set of steps: 1) earn a good GPA (grade point average),  2) earn a good score at international tests, 3) be involved in extra-curricular activities with proven results and 4) present themselves in a professional way.

AmSchool Partnership

American Alternative School is an international partnership with a strong multicultural identity. The partnership with Mizzou Academy (the University of Missouri College of Education’s specially designated branch for schools) offers the opportunity to earn one of the Top 3 High School Internationally Accredited Diploma. The partnership with Success Academy Romania brings AmSchool the vast experience of working on daily basis with Romanian children and teenagers and implementing a brand new modern and efficient teaching model.

We are proud and honored to collaborate with overseas partners whose great history and extraordinary academic performance in education are second to none.

Our story starts with a group of parents wishing for their children a normal school system, that put the kids in the center of all the educational efforts.

Today, our promise to every children or teenager we work with is to accompany him until is fully accepted at the College/University he wants to study in Europe or USA. This means that we provide him or her with all the knowledge necessary to succeed and all the support that he/she will need (mentoring, coaching, tutoring).

We think that learning have to be attractive for every student in order to keep them on track to gain their academic goals organically. We think school must be totally different today.

We think that education must develop their skills and talents, not forcing them to be, in the end, the same with his/her coleagues. 


Housed in the University of Missouri’s College of Education, Mizzou Academy offers students remarkable educational opportunities. Mizzou Academy is uniquely steeped in both a legacy of tradition and a foundation of innovation. They trace their roots to the early University’s elementary and high school lab schools. Mizzou Academy map the future to a twenty-first century platform of applied, blended, online, and interdisciplinary potential.

Through working with international peers in innovative online, blended, and CoTeachSM courses, students at Mizzou Academy have the opportunity to learn in a new kind of classroom. The faculty and staff include cutting-edge instructors who want to venture new answers to age-old questions in education. The students are the fortunate beneficiaries of these efforts.

Working with teens

Success Academy has been long working with over 300 children and teens per year and striving to achieve excellent results, to discover and promote remarkable innate talents. Success Academy does what school doesn’t. Simultaneous but adjacent to the classical educational system, we aim to prepare future young people in whose life success is second to none. Our school is clearly different because it is a 100% pragmatic, efficient and purposeful. 

Our experiences are actually exercises and games done in groups with peers who share the same interests, in a specially designated friendly work environment.

Our values lie in our strong belief that children, teenagers and young adults must develop their practical and social skills such as: life and career planning, setting objectives, establishing mutual trust, making decisions, communicating and creating relationships, alongside organizing, delivering presentations, public speaking, influencing, prioritizing. 

Our program is a mix of modern educational methods accomplishing important steps in language acquisition, teamwork, training, coaching, mentoring and feedback, therefore our participants are both intrigued and excited to carry out innovative and challenging activities. Our Academy is not just a mere landmark downtown Bucharest, but also the place young people gather voluntarily early every morning to learn new things about themselves, to the surprise of their parents. We are proud, indeed, of having become the most treasured personal development, leadership and entrepreneurship program for children, teenagers and young adults. 

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