Amada Bălțățeanu

Amada Baltateanu

Amada Bălțățeanu


“We need a new school in Romania. Otherwise. In AmSchool we have brought together the most modern and innovative training and learning methods in the world. A school with online textbooks, available anytime. A school where self-discovery classes intertwine with face-to-face teaching. A school where individual study intertwines with group study, where homework stimulates children’s intelligence and critical thinking.”


Amada is an edupreneur, trainer and specialist in non-verbal language. He founded Success Academy 5 years ago, a school that runs parallel to the classical education system. A school where the more than 600 graduates have acquired exceptional personal and professional skills.

Amada has over 16 years of experience in the development of human potential, is a specialist in education and evaluation, consultant and trainer for over 100 companies and trainer for over 1000 young people in the Success Academy.

Amada is a visionary of an educational system in which children and teenagers feel the pleasure of learning, in which young people are really the center of attention of the entire team of specialists. A school that leaves no child behind.

Suntem în perioada de înscrieri pentru anul școlar 2024-2025. Înscrierile se fac în limita locurilor disponibile.

Vă rugăm să completați formularul de contact sau să ne dați un telefon la 0771.083.656 (Cristina Manoliu - Admissions Coordinator).

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