The School is not only the place you study. It is the place for socialization, the place to meet new friends. It`s a place for projects, clubs or social actions. We put an emphasis on school life. Participate at AAS Events and meet our consultants to learn more about our graduate programs and decide what it`s best for you.
Success Academy Romania is delivering to AmSchool Students the most coherent and powerful program in Personal Development, Leadership & Entrepreunership.
Students could participate in a transformative program that aim to empower teenagers with all the instruments needed in the real life. From goal seting to making a plan, formulating a strategy, problem solving, decision making, presentation skills, public speaking, team work, relationship, commuication and many more topics of real interest. Success Academy Program is loved by our students. Because it do what school doesn`t.
Credem că învățarea este mai puternică atunci când echipele de studiu sunt bine conectate și energice. Acesta este motivul pentru care folosim activități de team building în abordarea noastră de învățare.
There are many options to be involved in AmSchool Student Projects.
Working with projects is natural at AmSchool. Being involved in different projects allow you to gain the real life and real working experience. This is an advantage both for your education and for your portfolio that will help you in College or University Admission Process.
How it works?
We have a Special Projects Department that will work with you discovering our areas of interests. The students decide what projects desire to implement and they start doing it. Have fun with a team of coleagues with the same interests!
Every year we celebrate Student`s Graduation. It is our partners tradition and, now, is ours, too.
American Alternative School is a school as it should all be. Experience AmSchool from two points of view: the academic pragmatism and the amazing school life. You`ll love going to school!
Our goal is to be in the hearts of our students and their parents, as an extraordinary opportunity to study and become beautiful and independent personalities.
Suntem în perioada de înscrieri pentru anul școlar 2024-2025. Înscrierile se fac în limita locurilor disponibile.
Vă rugăm să completați formularul de contact sau să ne dați un telefon la 0771.083.656 (Cristina Manoliu - Admissions Coordinator).