Ovidiu Atanasiu


Ovidiu Atanasiu


”After 20 years in pragmatic education, I can no longer believe in the methods of 50 years ago. Learning should be an enjoyable and attractive activity for young people. If it’s done right and adapted to our times.” 


Ovidiu has spent the last 20 years developing training and education programs for corporate teams. In the last 5 years, he developed Success Academy, a unique school in Romania, designed to prepare children and teenagers for personal and professional life. To date, more than 600 young people have graduated from Success Academy programs. And the results are truly remarkable.

Ovidiu graduated from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences at the University of Bucharest. He has a certification in Human Resource Management, a certification in Competence Assessment, specialization in Learning Design, is a certified trainer and has participated in many training programs in personal development, NLP, management, sales, communication and relationship, negotiation.

Ovidiu is a speaker at various conferences and events on the topic of education, he is an author, entrepreneur and visionary of an education system adapted to children and teenagers today.

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